aragaMight & Clams


Just curious as I just picked up a Derasa clam this weekend. I have a 70 gallon tank and the clam is probably less than 6" from the water top and maybe 9-10" from the actual lights. I have 440watts of VHO, I blue actinic and 3 50/50's. I know they need a lot of light, but I also read teh Derasa is probably the best for a beginner when it comes to clams. I think the lights are enough, what do you think?
Also, I read they are calcium mongers and that I will most likely need to suppliment. What is the best thing to add, and what should i be testing for in the way of water quality (alkaline, calcium etc). Has anyone ever used aragaMight? If I added that to the top-off water, would that keep my calcium within the proper range for the best care of the clam?
System: 70 gallong, 440 watts VHO lighting, 80+ lbs of live rock, 5" of carib sea special grade, 10 gallon sump, 2 Hagen 420's, 1 Rio 150 and a Cap 200 for return from the sump. 2 anenomes (BTA, LTA), Xenia, Capnella, Derasa Clam, Blastomussa, 2 clown fish, 1 bangai, 2 chromis, 1 yellow tang, and 1 Hippo Tang. Just in case anyone asked. All levels are within range (Nitrate, Nitrite, Ammonia and pH) ... although pH is around 7.8 - 8.0


Active Member
Ca 380-480ppm is recommemded for any reef tank with calcium consumers. I recommend Turbo Calcium by Kent Marine and Kalkwasser for calcium control.
The lights are fine but it would probably be brighter under MH since it is a shallow water clam.