aragaMILK liquid aragonite


has any one tryed aragaMILK liquid aragonite?
i'm putting it my 58gl reef tank. not sure if it's helpin but 1 time aday after lights go off.
keep me posted on any good or bad things thanks


Active Member
I tried it in my 30 gallon tank.
It did seem to keep the alkalinity up - but did little if anything for calcium.
IMO - The best part of this stuff is to add it - and watch your water circulation.
Other than that - I felt it did not do what it claimed it would do, at least not in my tank.


I use it and I''ve noticed that color on the rocks have changed alot. I've been using it for about a month now. But if anyone knows of something better that they have tried, I would like to know.
Thank you,


Active Member
do a search on "aragamilk" for a thread that i started. Broomer and I had s discussion about using it. To pretty much sum up the thread, the stuff kinda sucks for longterm. there are better things out there. i switched to seachem products.