

Please anyone who uses this product successfully in place of the addition of Cal., Stront.,, and Moly., three times a week, Is it a shortcut and can I depend on it. Having someone caring for my tank for three weeks and she has requested some shortcuts so as to make the care of my tank less taxing for her. Thank you:thinking:


Active Member
I would say that as a temporary substitute for short periods of time, its much better than nothing.
I have posted my personal results with Aragamilk numerous times on the boards . . . if you do some searches you'll find them.
Im pretty sure aragamilk will boost your alkalinity as well. When I used it my alk was way up and my calcium stable at 340ppm. So I stoped using it and just started using liquid calcium(much easier) and got my levels to par. Now Ive switched to B-Ionic, but I wouldnt consider it a shortcut.
What I would do is get a small bottle of liquid calcium and just have her follow the instructions(1 capeful per day for x # of gallons). Really easy to use and very dependable.


007, I will search again. Haven't seen them, thanks. Midwest reefer, I do have just plain calcium, which is what she is used to useing. Just that I wanted to spare her the addition of each. My calcium level is a tad high so must get that leveled off before she takes over. Thanks for the advice.