Aragonite cleaning


New Member
Hi guys ... newbie here ... been reading lots about setting up my tank .. I have a 75 gal with a 35 gal sump with half of it going to be a refugium .... prob gonna have alot of questions along the way ... the first one being I purchased some carib sea aragonite reef sand ... in the process of rinsing it the water always seem milky ... is this normal or do I have to keep rinsing till the water is clear??? Thanks


Active Member
Welcome to the hobby.
Keep rinsing untill its mostly clear. Doesnt need to be totally clear, but should be rinsed alot. When you do put it in the tank, the tank water will still be slightly milky but will/should clear up after a few hours or so with filters running.


Active Member
If that is live sand then rinsing it is killing the life. Live sand shouldn't be rinsed. Of course if it's not live then I would keep rinsing it.


New Member
its not live sand ... just seemed odd that after 10 rinses it was still milky ... thanks for the replies


10's plenty.
I got dry aragonite from a 40lb bag and I only rinsed 3 times, about 2g of sand ea time.
and my tank was clear in the 2nd day.
don't rinse too much, you waste you water.
just make sure you rinse out all the debris and the thick milky particle. That should be enuf.