Arcadia I bar twin t5 40ins 100cm


I've decided to buy an arcadia I bar twin T% 40 ins 100cm i am buying two but before i do i would like to know what type of light bulbs i should buy should i buy? 4 blue, 2white 2 blue? or any other colour or variety.
also are these good light system as they claim they can keep all kinds of life and work just like a halide. any opinions welcome as i don't want to buy somthing crummy.


Active Member
i've never heard of them. when i do a search on them, i come up empty handed. do you have a link?


Active Member
I dont think they have reflectors and they only have 2 lamps and I would not try lps, sps, clams, or anemones


Active Member
if going fish only maybe but if you want corals the get a tec or nova pro if looking for t5 lights


well there might be a change of plan i might be in luck with a MH 4ft and a MH 3ft =7ft with spot lights halides and t5 tubes 3ft not as powerfull as the 4ft as my wife agreed as i let her read about MH's on here so thanks to all here i get to have 2!!!!!!!! i love you all lmao.
i'm getting them off ---- ends in 15mins and i'm leader on both items from a shop on there.
wish me luck as i gotta focus on making sure i win!
i'll be back screaming more then likly lol.
woot woot 2x MH's!