Are a foxface and a Blue Hippo Tang compatible?


I saw that they are considered the same family on this site.....
BTW I am getting a 55 Gallon (Now confirmed). Both get to around 6" in length (in captivity- also not sure about foxface, but is 6" a general standard for them?). With that.... when my aquarium is established (Using the 1" to 2G rule for established aquariums), I can have 27.5" of fish. Right now my plans are for....
2 Percula's (Around 2" at max right?)
3 Neon Gobies (They get to ~1" correct?)
1 Mandarin Dragonet (Again.... ~2" right?)
1 Flame Angel (3" or so right?)
1 Firefish (Again.... ~3" correct?)
1 Foxface (~6")
1 Blue Hippo (6")
Total inchage.... 27".


Active Member
I would say you could in a much larger tank. But you should not but a hippo in a 55g. Sorry. Those fish get 12 inches fast. They get stressed very easy in a small tank.


Originally Posted by Dogstar
I would say you could in a much larger tank. But you should not but a hippo in a 55g. Sorry. Those fish get 12 inches fast. They get stressed very easy in a small tank.
OK, thanks. I saw on wetwebmedia that they got to 12" in the wild but only 6" in captivity.... but I would rather be safe than sorry. The foxface is ok, correct?


Foxface will get larger than 6" as well. They are compatible as I have them both in my 180gal but I wouldn't suggest either in a 55gal. Steer away from the Mandarain Dragonet unless you have a large supply of LR and pods for it to feed on. Also they need a well established tank. (for the supply of pods). I have one as well, but my tank has 250lbs of LR and has been running for a couple of years. As far as the rest of your list, looks fine. I would suggest getting a couple more firefish so they will school. JMO. Hope this helps.


Originally Posted by vtecbro007
1'' for 2g is incorrect i think if im not mistaken its 1'' per 5gl
Exactly why every book I have read (5 so far, and one video) has said that you may start with 1" of fish for every 4G but after the aquarium is established, you may increase it to 1" for every 2G.


foxface should have a 75 or higher as they get 9 inches, and the tang needs 125 or larger. like ebsOCHIN said you have to have an established tank and a lot of live rock that is mature before you can even think about a mandarin. you need about 100+ mature live rock for them.