Are all CUC safe for corals?


I am in the middle of getting my tank ready for corals. I still need a good CUC. Meowzr gace me good advice of a CUC for a FOWLR. But I need to know will a CUC hurt coral?


I probably told you the same stuff I have in my tank.....and I have mixed reef they are safe.....
of course I have no clue what I told you....LOL...but


LOL...I have all of them in my tanks....never had an issue and I have sooo many different corals....zoas, shrooms, lps, sps, clam leathers
I would never recommend something w/o some personal experience


Active Member
Nassarius, Cerith, Florida Fighting Conch, Turbo snails will give you a good start. Do your homework on all crabs and starfish before you decide if you want to add them to your tank. Some are opportunistic and may cause problems, some have specific needs for tank size, food requirements and overall environment.


Originally Posted by spanko http:///forum/thread/379712/are-all-cuc-safe-for-corals#post_3301339
Nassarius, Cerith, Florida Fighting Conch, Turbo snails will give you a good start. Do your homework on all crabs and starfish before you decide if you want to add them to your tank. Some are opportunistic and may cause problems, some have specific needs for tank size, food requirements and overall environment.
I didn't know that. Meowzr knows my tank and all the good stuff with it and she recommended my list.


LOL....I also feed my crabs well.....they got use to me, and when I fed, I put a piece of scallop on the feeding stick and they come out and grab it
some people have said (a few...not a lot) that the sally and the emerald picked on their zoas.....I have them in all 3 tanks....and have not had one thing touched
I think the trick is to make sure they have enough food....why eat broccolli when you can have steak


Originally Posted by meowzer http:///forum/thread/379712/are-all-cuc-safe-for-corals#post_3301344
LOL....I also feed my crabs well.....they got use to me, and when I fed, I put a piece of scallop on the feeding stick and they come out and grab it
some people have said (a few...not a lot) that the sally and the emerald picked on their zoas.....I have them in all 3 tanks....and have not had one thing touched
I think the trick is to make sure they have enough food....why eat broccolli when you can have steak

Choppin' Broccolli. LOL Where did I get that from?


Active Member
Crabs are opportunistic feeders if not outright predators and as such will eat whatever is easy to get to. Just because they are well fed does not mean they won't eat the things you don't want them to. Especially as they get older, larger and comfortable with their surroundings.
Here is a blurb from wetwebmedia.
"Mithrax sculptus, the Green/Emerald Crab. Tropical West Atlantic. A noted eater of algae (even Valonia), but can turn into a fish eater... some references state to 2.5 others to a maximum of four inches carapace width. Now in its own genus Mithraculus. Family Majidae".
I am only saying here, do not take the word - experience of any of us here on the site. Get yourself some good scientific information on what you want to keep and decide for yourself if you want to try to maintain any of the wonderful, and not so wonderful, creatures available.


YES, of course the end decision is yours... I can only tell of my personal experiences.....AND YES....the crab you pick may not behave as mine do......I have found many fish do not act the same for a matter of fact I have a very peaceful 6line often do you hear that

the only thing certain in this that NOTHING is certain....


Active Member
You have a FOWLR, but no fish that would have any of those crabs as a snack? Come on man!

Kidding of course! Always keep the fish you enjoy, not what others say.