are all damsels devils?


Are there any damsels that remain peaceful when they get bigger or all them mean and terretorial.


Active Member
Kept with the right tank mates, many make good community fish. Some better than others; yellow tail blues can be passive. I keep a fiji blue devil with larger fish and he is a wimp, but out and about most of the time. Don't keep them with small shy fish, and add them after the others are established, unless they are larger than the damsel. Like anything, there are variables that impact on the outcome.


I've got a blue yellowtail and a thompson (I think) with a clown. They're all small right now so will grow up together. I do see the two damsels show some agression to each other by chasing each other around, but they leave the clown alone for the most part. I've got 70lbs of LR in my 37 gallon, so there's plenty of places for them to hide.
I might be one of the crazy one's, but I LIKE my damsels. They're colorful, hardy, active and cheap. Plus since I have a small tank, they fit all the qualities that I wanted for my tank.


you might get lucky. I had already put two 4 striped damsels in my tank to help get it going after I foudn out people said they would terrorize the tank. So far they are the most scared fish I have in the tank. I also have 2 clowns, 1 yellow tang, and a jawfish....they all get along fine. They are growing but don't seem to bother any other fish. Maybe I got lucky and they just mellowed out.


I believe that Damsels, like all fish, are individuals with individual personalities. My sister has a 4 inch Blue Damsel that is an absolute bully that kills anything new in her tank, thus named Oscar the grouch. I on the other hand, have good luck with most of them. I have one blue yellow tail, two lemon yellow damels, two clownfish, and a skunk back and they never fight or bother each other. I used to have a black and white striped one (many years ago) that was the smallest and was the most aggressive thing in my tank! And that was with a porcupine puffer and a Niger Trigger!


We have a perc. clown and a blue damsel....hopefully adding a new fish today!!!! The clown actually nips at me anytime I put my fingers in the is a pig and thinks I'm food. The damsel will do the same thing. I can hold a flake at the top and hand feed's wierd. They don't ever bother each other, but I have heard as they grow they become devils...the damsels that is. Mine is small, so I don't know, but we'll find out what kinda bully he might be when we add the new fish. Stay tuned!!! I am a beginner and have made ALL the wrong moves....
I have to laugh about it or I will cry myself to death! After all the time and money I found this site, THANK GOD!!! People here have steared my in the right direction and I now have a pretty 'good' tank. KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK ON WOOD!!!!!!!!!!
I will let you know if my damsel is nasty to the new fish, if we get one tonight, maybe it will help, maybe not...I think they all act different depending on when they are added and with how many much stress they get etc. Personality? I don't know. I never thought a fish would have one, but I am changing that attitude after having the clown. We'll see what happens when we add the new fish, but if he is a bully, he will be given back to the store...he only cost 3 bucks and I would rather have prettier fish than deal with a mean one. Oh, geez, AM I RAMBLING ON AGAIN???????? lol


Active Member
I like them and I plan on getting a few more I have a domino and a yellow tail I would like to get a 4 stripe and another havent decided "but I plan on having an agressive reef tank"


I'm starting another tank and I have always liked the colorations of damsels for some reason, so I guess I'll give it a try. Could any be compatible with a royal gramma?


We added a domino the clown and blue damsel. All are getting along fine so far. The domino isn't even shy...or aggressive. They all just seem to do their own thing. Maybe when they are bigger they will be worse, I've been told that, so we'll see. In the tank I got my domino from, there were lots of them and they were all picking on one...and he was getting shredded, so maybe it's just having the exact same type....????


i have had 2 domino damsels and both were very shy and passive. Planning one keeping a domino in there for a long time w/ the rest of the fish. My sargent major however has GOT TO GO.