We have a perc. clown and a blue damsel....hopefully adding a new fish today!!!! The clown actually nips at me anytime I put my fingers in the tank....it is a pig and thinks I'm food. The damsel will do the same thing. I can hold a flake at the top and hand feed them....it's wierd. They don't ever bother each other, but I have heard as they grow they become devils...the damsels that is. Mine is small, so I don't know, but we'll find out what kinda bully he might be when we add the new fish. Stay tuned!!! I am a beginner and have made ALL the wrong moves....
I have to laugh about it or I will cry myself to death! After all the time and money I found this site, THANK GOD!!! People here have steared my in the right direction and I now have a pretty 'good' tank. KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK ON WOOD!!!!!!!!!!
I will let you know if my damsel is nasty to the new fish, if we get one tonight, maybe it will help, maybe not...I think they all act different depending on when they are added and with how many fish....how much stress they get etc. Personality? I don't know. I never thought a fish would have one, but I am changing that attitude after having the clown. We'll see what happens when we add the new fish, but if he is a bully, he will be given back to the store...he only cost 3 bucks and I would rather have prettier fish than deal with a mean one. Oh, geez, AM I RAMBLING ON AGAIN???????? lol