Are candy cane corals really that hard to keep?


i personally have heard a lot of success stories with candy canes... so today i was very interested in asking everyone whether they are really that hard to keep or they just have a tough wrap!


Candy cane or trumpet corals have been relatively easy in my experience. Just kind of set em and forget em. I have 2 and treat them more like a filter feeder - I don't spot feed them.


Active Member
Yeah they are pretty hardy. I have even dropped rcoks on them twice and it looked pretty bad pnly to recover in a day or two. I rarely spot feed mine.


Active Member
I've never heard otherwise...IME they are quite easy.
Where do they get the bad rap? :notsure: They are a great coral!


This site lists them as difficult:
Size: 4+ Stalks
Care Level: Difficult
Diet: Strong Light, Strong Flow
Origin: Indonesia
Acclimation Time: 1+ hour


Active Member
AH, interesting!
Wouldn't consider them that at all. In fact, found one at the bottom of a LR bin. The polyps were almost completely retracted from the skeleton. Put into a 15g with normal output flourescents and a lot of feeding, and it did fine!
I personally have about six different colors/kinds and have no problems with them at all I feed two turkey basters full of my own mix into my tank and everyone grabs what they want. No spot feeding at all except for my Maroon who eats right out of the baster if you let it!!