Are Canister Filters better than HOB?


I'm just curious if most people think canister filters are better than HOB? I have a 46 gallon with a Emperror 280 filter. Is this good enough? I currently am battling a hair algae problem. Is this contributing?


Active Member
Not unless you are prepared to service it RELIGIOUSLY. They are easily ignored, and since you are battling an algae problem anyway, I don't recommend switching to a canister.


Thanks for the reply. Do you think the Emperror 280 is enough? Would I be better of with the 400?


Active Member
Are you skimming?
If you are skimming I would say the 280 is enough. Keep it clean and keep after your skimmer to ensure optimum performance. Water changes are very important. People tend to rely on their filter to keep water clean and end up falling short on water changes. With a good W/C regimen and good flow, you don't need as much filter.
I think the 400 may be too much for your 46. We had a 400 for a while and it was a tad noisy and moved quite a bit of water.
Do you have a reef or fish only?
How much LR do you have?

noah's nemo

I set up a 30 gallon a few months ago(I was bored,and it was just sitting there) and i have an emp. 400 on it,no skimmer(i never used one).Stock is 1 firefish,and 2 B&W clowns.Works great.I do not think a 400 on a 46 is overkill,but just right.I think your hair could be a result of many things,but not because of your filter....JMO


Active Member
In regards to the hair algae I was just reading an article in the recent Freshwater and Marine Aquarium Magainze about a guy whom is battle this stuff. If you are feeding any kind of flake or freeze dried foods this might be your issue this article says. They show the min phosphate in foods but they don't show the max reading of it in these kinds of foods which can promote the algae issues in aquariums. After switching to using nothing but frozen foods the algae issue went away he claimed in this article. Just thought I would post this but many of you know this already.
As for the filter situation, canisters are great for freshwater very poor in my opinion for saltwater, they just don't last very long. Get a good HOB and you will be just fine.


Well-Known Member

A canister is much better than a HOB…because of splash you have a problem with salt creep. Also a canister holds allot more media like phosban, and carbon. The spray bar is a fantastic thing for gas exchange by agitating the water surface.
However hair algae is caused by too much phosphates and over feeding. Low grade of water is the usual cause. A skimmer is always a good thing; it takes out yucky stuff you can’t even test for.


I've got a 400 on a 46-gal and it works great. I would either put another 280 on, or go with a 400. Either way I think there will be enough room for your skimmer also, not 100%, but I think they all would fit on the back. If you went with the two 280's, then you'll have more options on what kind of filter media you can use. You could put small pieces of liver rock in one and use the other for carbon or what not. That's just me.