Are Coral Beauties very active?


New Member
I have 65 gallon- tons of live rock, m-rooms, ecosystem,
water readings great
1) Coral Beauty- eating great but - swimming very actively-seems almost nervous or panicky- is this normal behavior-
2) Maroon clown
3) 3 chromis
4) cleaner shrimp
5) scooter
All fish doing well and have lost no fish in the past year, Coral beauty was last to be added 1 month ago-and I cannot visually see any parasites, but he is swimming very actively and I just did not know if this is normal?- Again he is feeding very well

aqua blue

I fall in line with the other replys. I added my Coral Beauty about 2 months ago. It is constantly swimming all over the tank and grazing for any food that it can find. It is definitely a very active fish.