Are Gloves a good habit?


Active Member
My tank is only 1-week old today so the only living creatures it has in it are whatever is residing in the LS and LR. Since I've been doing so much reading I've been starting to get the impression that there are a lot of things that can and will hurt a human if they don't know what they're dealing with. Since I obviously don't know what's good and what's bad yet, it does scare me a little. I'm wondering if other tank keepers routinely wear rubber gloves when they have their hands in the tank or if I'm being overly paranoid? For those occasions when you are arranging the rockscape or adding or removing something from the tank do most of you just stick your hand in or do people glove up?


Active Member
I'm not that experienced yet, but I have wore gloves when I moved around a lot of my rock, like when I moved my tank. But when I am just doing something that doesn't involve me digging around too much, like spot feeding coral, moving coral, etc. I don't wear gloves. I know I have some worms in there, so when I'm digging around in the rocks I feel safer with them on.


I use gloves anytime i am moving rock around, fragging coral, or supergluing anything. I dont think you need to put them on anytime your hands are in the tank, just make sure you rinse them.
Also, if you will be handling alot of coral or handling zoas, i would put them on


Active Member
A lot of people on here use gloves, and I'll admit that it's good practice. I, however, am lazy and haven't used gloves yet. It'll probably come back to haunt me.


Active Member
Originally Posted by SueAndHerZoo
My tank is only 1-week old today so the only living creatures it has in it are whatever is residing in the LS and LR. Since I've been doing so much reading I've been starting to get the impression that there are a lot of things that can and will hurt a human if they don't know what they're dealing with. Since I obviously don't know what's good and what's bad yet, it does scare me a little. I'm wondering if other tank keepers routinely wear rubber gloves when they have their hands in the tank or if I'm being overly paranoid? For those occasions when you are arranging the rockscape or adding or removing something from the tank do most of you just stick your hand in or do people glove up?
Personally I don't. But check out this story from a local reefer.


Active Member
gloves are always a good precaution. some people dont use them and dont know why they should and many dont that know the risks. but if you feel safer using them (you will be safer using them) then use them, there are no draw backs to being safe.


Active Member
Yikes!!!!!!! I ALAWAYS wear gloves when i frag , but if I am just in the tank for a few min. rearranging things i don't......well I think I will now!!


Active Member
Wow!! Some story, I wore gloves from being worried about me getting something bad in the tank, glad I wear them now for my own protection as well.....Thanks for that Stdreb.
Personally I don't use gloves, I believe that if the gloves aren't clean, or some bacteria grow on them outside of the tank, then you are introducing this to your saltwater environment. Good or Bad!!!
Just make sure to always was your hands very well, with NO soap. I was my hands then dry, then do it again if necessary.


no gloves for me! I'm afraid of what can leech into the water from wearing them... i try to keep aware of what exactly I'm dealing with tho and i always inspect rocks before i move them because I'm afraid of bristle worms and fire worms


Active Member
Ok, so there are mixed opinions for the gloves vs. no gloves, but I still have a question. I'm sure that latex exam gloves are good for fragging, but they can't offer much protection from things like fireworms. So, for situations that are different from protecting a coral from your oil, which type of gloves offer the most protection from nasty stuff without the possibility of 'leaking' things into you water? Rubber? Like kitchen gloves?


Active Member
Originally Posted by sickboy
Ok, so there are mixed opinions for the gloves vs. no gloves, but I still have a question. I'm sure that latex exam gloves are good for fragging, but they can't offer much protection from things like fireworms. So, for situations that are different from protecting a coral from your oil, which type of gloves offer the most protection from nasty stuff without the possibility of 'leaking' things into you water? Rubber? Like kitchen gloves?
Corallife makes the gloves I use, not 100% sure what they are made of. They come almost up to the shoulder and are made specifically for SW, they cost $16 on a rival site.....Great product IMO.


Active Member
Great idea - thanks for reminding me! I have a pair of gloves that go almost up to the shoulder with elastic around the top so no water creeps in - I had bought them for working in my ponds. Although now that I think of it I probably don't want to use the SAME gloves for my ponds and my saltwater tank. I better try to track down where I bought those and get another pair - one for indoors and one for outdoors. Thanks for the reminder.


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Originally Posted by salty blues
I got tired of reading and clicking "next". Did the guy live or what?
they tied a tourniquet around his neck to stop the infection from spreading. he died.....
*S* he lived. his hospital sounds incompetent though just by the errors made during treatment.