Are green brittle stars aggressive?


I have a green brittle star in my tank and I have never seen him do anything really aggressive during the day, but that does not mean he is good when the lights go out. The only reason I ask is because I have put 3 nudibranch in this tank and they disappear after a day or two :mad:. I have also lost my scarlet shrimp just recently.
The current inhabitants are:
1. Coral Beauty Angel
2. Percula Clown
3. Yellow Goby
4. Blue Hippo Tang
5. 6Line Wrasses
6. The clean up crew
7. Peppermint shrimp
8. Rock urchin
All quantities are 1 except the cleanup crew (snails and hermits)
This in a 55 gallon (long) with lots of coarls and live rock (the fish are still pretty small) I am in preperation to move eveyting to a lager tank soon I just have not made up my mind on a size.


Active Member
IIRC greens are the most aggressive of the bunch. I think it's a hit or miss thing, but I've heard/read of them going psychokiller and taking out fish/inverts and just about anything they can catch.


I was at a LFS once and i watched a Green brittle (99.9% possitive it was a green brittle, but it was like 4 months ago) go after the one of the employees when he stuck his hand in the tank. i have never seen anything like it before, or after for that matter.


i had one once and got rid of him after 3 days when i found my favorit shrimp inside the brittle



Originally posted by black99l
I was at a LFS once and i watched a Green brittle (99.9% possitive it was a green brittle, but it was like 4 months ago) go after the one of the employees when he stuck his hand in the tank. i have never seen anything like it before, or after for that matter.

so its 0.1 % possible it was a octopus....JK


Oh I fogot about the Flame Angle and Coral Banded Shrimp he must have got too.
. This sucker has cost me some $$$$ now that I think about it :mad: . Looks like it bye bye for him (back to LFS).


dont even give him back to the pet store...just throw him outside. He costed you a lot of $$$ that you could of put into other things.


i see that you have a blue tang in a 55g how long have you had him in there, people tell me that you need at least a 75g to have one


I have only had the tang in that tank for about 3 months now. I have a 135 gallon that I want to put up but I am being a real baby about makeing sure I have every angle covered. I keep finding out about cool stuff like putting a spray bar under your reef to keep the junk from building up which help keep the nitrates down in the long run, self primming overflows, the possiblities of making all my own live rock so I could shape my reef however I want, and stuff like that so I keep adding to the list of things to do to the tank:eek: