are hang on filters worth anything?


Active Member
This probably belongs in the equipment forum, but I wanted a reefer's opinion.
I'm starting a DIY overflow box/sump project tomorrow. I'm planning on using a hang-on filter in the sump to run carbon. Are any of the other filter media/elements ever worth using? I plan on using a Hagan Aquaclear filter (I've had great luck with them). If I remember correctly, they come with a rinsable sponge thing to filter the water, then a bag of some kind of biorock stuff, then a bag of carbon. Should I run just the carbon, or are either of those other 2 elements worth using?


Active Member
Do you have your sump ready or you are just going to build it?
I'm asking because instead of connecting another piece of equipment you can just build chemical chamber inside your sump and let all the water flow through this chamber. This will maximize contact time between water and carbon.


Hey Barracuda - could you take a pic on how you attached your Kent veturi valve?


Active Member

Originally posted by Thomas712
Hey Barracuda - could you take a pic on how you attached your Kent veturi valve?

Hey Thomas,
i posted pix on the equipment forum for you.

nm reef

Active Member
Interesting question...don't know that it'll help much but I run 3 hang-on filters in my refugium. Initially I was thinking that it would be a good place to run carbon(filter pads) plus they would provide additional circulation and water movement. Now they actually serve as a source of excess nutrient export...I don't run filter pads in them anymore...I use carbon and phosphate sponge in 300 micron bags submersed in my sump...the hang-on filters just circulate water in the refigiums...over time mats of algae grow on the filter returns and about once a month I remove the algaes and discard it.Sort of a low tech algae scrubber...:cool:


Active Member
Thanks for the info.
Barracuda... the idea about the chemical chamber sounds like a good route to go. I'm just setting up my sump, so I'll start thinking about ways to work that into the design.
NM... what phosphate sponge do you use? I've been thinking about trying one, but hadn't heard much (good or bad) about them.


phosphate sponges arent to good but i know there is a powder that works better but i have never tired the powder evertime i go to the lfs they are out of the pwoder


Active Member
the powder, although not a sponge, is still called a phosphate sponge because it absorbs phosphates. Ive used the kent phosphate sponge in a filter sock with great success as well as running poly-filter, which works to remove meds, copper, amm, as well as phosphates!
good luck


There's a thread from HairTrigger about 4 pages back titled something like "Phosphate sponge, yeah or nay". There are a number of suggestions in that one about products used by some of the members.
I've been using PhosGuard by SeaChem and it works well for me.


I still run a 330 biowheel unit (biowheels removed) on my 50g reef for circulation and also to run carbon once a month. I also from time to time run phosphate remover in the 330 as well. I think they do a great job of circulating water and makes it easier to run carbon.