Are JBJ PC Blue's True Actinics? (Re Kip's Thread)


Active Member
After seeing KIP 4130's thread
I had to ask you guys this.
I am using the JBJ PC 65watt actinics for my tank. There are two checkboxes on the packaging, one saying BLUE and the other O3. LFS told me that these ARE the true actinic O3's, but the box that's checked off is the BLUE box, not the O3. I want to make sure these are not the cheap blue coated bulbs.
How can I tell from the color of the light output whether its the real thing or the blue coated type? Also, where can I buy the real O3's ?


Active Member
ehh, nobody?
If I find out that the ones I got sold are just cheapo blue bulbs, I'm going to get very furious and have a few words w/ LFS.


Active Member
The bulb, when lit, is very bluish, whereas when I look at the true actinic pic of KIP's thread, his is more of a purple tone.
Also, when you go to the JBJ website, it says "new item - True Actinic O3", so I"m assuming the ones I got all this time were NOT the true actinics. That would SUCK A$$.

bang guy

Oh, actinic light is definately not blue. It's right at the edge of the visible spectrum which is why it appears dim to us.


Active Member
I just went and purchased two O3's, and they were even cheaper than the JBJ fake ones. $30 for each one (65w).
Here are two pics comparing the previous one and the true actinic.


Active Member
You know this means WAR :D I'm going to go to the LFS and tell him I've been lied to for 4 months :(
I'd say only negative thing is that they look dimmer. The tank inhabitants look a little dimmer, but in this case it's the functionality that counts.

bang guy

Any animals that flouresce are going to look 200% brighter and like you said, the rest of the animals are getting 2 or 3 times as much light if not more.


I switched, but I have too few corals to say that it helped. It didn't hurt, ....(I have the JBJ light fixture same as you.)


Active Member
Well the JBJ fake ones cost around $50 each, whereas the real stuff was $30. Still more expensive than what you got it for, but maybe we live in different cities/states and that makes a difference.
I didn't realize how much better the real O3's are until my daylight lights went off and only the O3's stayed on. BIGGGG difference as far as the colors of the corals displayed :D