Are my clowns dying?

2 percula clowns, approx 2 years old
Won't eat, mouths hanging open and pale/white...
I have two percula clowns that I have had for about 2 years... they are beautiful and BIG, so I am extremely stressed by their health problems.
These 2 fish lived in a tank together for almost 2 years with no problems. Recently, I bought a 37g Eclipse and wanted to move them.
The new tank has been set up and running great for about 4 months. I have had crabs and shriimp in there for about 3 months and all are fine.
I moved my 2 percula's to this tank about a week ago.
Since the move, they have slowly stopped eating... their mouths are now hanging open and seem to be pale or white. I have tried feeding them both flakes and frozen shrimp... they just won't eat.
Another thing they do is 'shake' all of a sudden... like they are having seizures. I have seen them do this occasionally over the time I have had them, but now they do it all the time.
I don't see them brushing against the LR to scratch... so I have no clue what is going on.
I don't have a hospital/QT set up unfortunately, I only have 3 fish (one still in the tank the percs came out of). I have LR, LS and crabs in both tanks... so I can't drop chemicals in to try to fix them without killing everything else.


Active Member
Have you checked the levels in your new tank: amonia, trites, trates?
Was this a new tank--no freshwater convert?
Hi, and yes... my water paramaters are fine... have tested everything.
No, the tank was a new purchase, not a freshwater convert... has been set up for over 4 months with LS, LR, and inverts... no problems!
These clowns have been SO healthy... they are my favorite fish... I don't understand them getting sick so quickly... I just moved them from one tank to another upstairs!
When their mouths are open like this, what is that? It doesn't look like ich, or is it:?
Oh no..... my babies!!!
Does anyone know what this white, now fuzzy, stuff is on the mouths of these fish? Is it a form of ich? One of the clowns mouth looks like it is bleeding...


Staff member
Can you post a picture of the fish? Do you still have the other tank that they came from?
What is the pH in the tank? What is the temp in the tank? Are these fish gilling hard, or breathing hard? Were they hosting anything in the other tank which did not transfer to this tank?
What do you have in the new tank for circulation? An eclipse alone does not have enough water movement.