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Ok one of my friends who owns a LFS sold me 2 perc. clowns today for $25, he got me one which only has 2 stripes its so small it looks like a tadpole, the second is larger, I got both after he packed them in O2 about 2-3 hrs earlier, I acclimated them for about 1hr and put them in my cycled 10gallon quarantine tank, the SG is 1.025 Ammonia 0 Nitrite 0 Nitrate 20-30 about 81 degrees F, the small one looked to have a harder time acclimating and seemed more stressed out but after a few hours they were both swimming around exploring, tonight I got back from class after about 6 hours and the small one was swimming a bit and the larger one a lot but after the lights were out for a while they settled to the bottom and kinda rolled around on their side and stomach, the smaller one seems to be breathing hard and is rolling around a lot, I called my friend and he said they're probably just stressed and said to keep the lights out, so are they gonna die or not? I sure hope not since I've been waiting 2months for my Q tank to cycle