Are my corals dying?


I've had my yellow polyps and xenia blues for like 2-3 wks now. When I bought them from the LFS, there were lots of them on the rock, now it seems as if theyre #s are getting smaller and smaller.
what could the prob be?


Active Member
In order to even begin to help, we'll need to know far more about your system....
SPECIFIC water parameters especially specific gravity, temp, alkalinity, calcium, pH, nitrates
types of fish, inhabitants
any additives
That will get us started :yes:


Originally Posted by ophiura
In order to even begin to help, we'll need to know far more about your system....
SPECIFIC water parameters especially specific gravity, temp, alkalinity, calcium, pH, nitrates
types of fish, inhabitants
any additives
That will get us started :yes:
30 gal
SG: 1.023
Amm: .5
pH: 8.4
Nitrite: 0
Nitrate: 80
(my water is not okay right now bc i just replaced the CC with LS about 3 wks ago)
Dwarf Lionfish
Maroon Clown
Blue Hippo Tang (yes i know, its a baby one)
4 stripe damsel
Condi anemone
couple Astrea snails
blue leg hermits
turbo snails
feather duster
syphon 2-5gal and replace with ro/di water every other wk
coralife 50/50
coralife actinic blue


so did you buy the live sand and the corals at the same time and replace the sand and put the corals in all in one day? And how many watts are your lights?


Active Member
ammo and nitrate are most likely the cause, your lights aren't sufficient, ph should be 8.2, salinity 1.204-1.025,


Active Member
You ammonia is a great concern. Has this been doubly checked at the LFS? It could be the test kit. I am extremely concerned if there is ammonia as after 3 weeks you should be seeing a decline (and with some nitrites - again, i wonder if the test is accurate - what kind of test kit?). I strongly suggest you get another reading from the LFS on nitrate, as that is also a concern.
I think you need to do water changes more frequently. At least weekly to start.
And I agree specific gravity should be 1.025-1.026 or so.
What is your alkalinity and calcium?
Are your lights PC lights or normal output?
How often and how much do you feed?


Originally Posted by ophiura
You ammonia is a great concern. Has this been doubly checked at the LFS? It could be the test kit. I am extremely concerned if there is ammonia as after 3 weeks you should be seeing a decline (and with some nitrites - again, i wonder if the test is accurate - what kind of test kit?). I strongly suggest you get another reading from the LFS on nitrate, as that is also a concern.
I think you need to do water changes more frequently. At least weekly to start.
And I agree specific gravity should be 1.025-1.026 or so.
What is your alkalinity and calcium?
Are your lights PC lights or normal output?
How often and how much do you feed?

I test the water at the LFS. I don't know how to test for alkalinity and calcium. Are your lights PC lights or normal output? How can I tell? I feed every 3 days.


Active Member
It sounds like he only has the normal hood that comes with the tank with florescent bulbs. You can buy 50/50 and blues which I think are only between 18 and 30W depending on the length.


Originally Posted by scoobydoo
It sounds like he only has the normal hood that comes with the tank with florescent bulbs. You can buy 50/50 and blues which I think are only between 18 and 30W depending on the length.
Nah this is a handmade hood. It has 24" 50/50 and blues of coralife.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Binhzino
Nah this is a handmade hood. It has 24" 50/50 and blues of coralife.

What's the wattage on them?


Originally Posted by ophiura
Do they look like normal flourescent light bulbs?
the 50/50 does? the acitinic blue i dunno?


High ammonia and Nitrate is definitely a concern and should be addressed right away!! That much ammonia is really bad, IMO. Water changes, lots of them to get your ammonia and NO3 down!! :yes:
After you solve your water quality problem, I would look into upgrading your lights. Chances are, you have the regular fluorescent lights, which put out 18 to 30W like scoobydoo said. That’s only 60 watts at the most for your tank. For corals you need at least 5 watts/gallon. For a 30gal, that’s 150 watts.