are my levels ok ?????


Active Member
As Spartan suggested, do a water change now. After that, figure out why it has spiked to begin with.
Has anything died recently?


Active Member
Your pH is low too, I'd think something died in your tank or you are way overfeeding.


yes i found 4 turbos when i was cleaning i do 20% water changes every two weeks and i just did one two days ago i may be over feeding as well on my test sheet the lowest number for the nitrite is 0.3 so what color would it be if 0
'i just found my paperwork for the kit and it states ideally nitrite levels should be kept below 0.8 mg/l:
if the nitrite is above 1.6 mg/l:
carry out water change and clean filter and a few other necessary things bla bla
mine is o.3 whitch is the lowest on the test and the highest being 3.3 so that tells me i should be fine right :thinking: