Are my parents gonna KILL me?


Ok, I have read about Mh lighting systems(mines a pendant.the hanging ones) cost tons and tons of money to this true..cuz if it is im Dead


Active Member
I havn't heard of the such... *Shrug* but i would hand some money over BEFORE u find out. be like, u know mom, dad... i love u guys SOOOOOOOOO much and appreciate u letting me do this soooooooooo much i'd like to help put together some money for electricity. Or... I would like to do some chores for it newhose.


DON'T EVEN MENTION IT!!! Maybe the won't notice it. But if you mention it they will be looking for it screwed be for you start. If they notice it then play dumb then deal with it.


Active Member
oh, don't mention it... but play ignorance... just be like... i just wanna help for whatever this aquarium has done... or u konw


Active Member
Just unscrew the light bulbs in your bedroom and start burning candles and incense (that will give them something else to worry about and distract them from the electric bill)...
Then unscrew the bulbs in the fridge and microwave and maybe two or three in the basement...that should just about cover the difference in the bill...
They'll never figure it out, and if the bill goes up they'll just figure it was from all the bulbs THEY had screwed back in...:D


Active Member
Ehh, just out of curiosity... wouldn't the electricity still be used? I mean... if u turn a light on without a bulb in it electricity is still being built up and ussed... isn't that why it's a horrible idea to like screw in a lightbulb with the light on?!?!?


Elecricity has to complete a circuit in order to burn, with the bulb screwed out the circuit is broken and no elecricity is being used even with the switch on.
try walking around at night with a flashlight instead of turning a light on.:D :D


Active Member
Take the wattage of your bulb(s) X hours/day run X 30 days X .07(average cost per KWH, your local price may vary) divide by 1000= monthly cost
Example: (1) 250watt MH X 10 hr/day X 30 X ..07 / 1000 = $5.25 month...
You can also add up all the wattage of pumps, heaters, lights,skimmer, filters etc. to get total cost/mo. to run your tank...


can u do the math for me...worst me a headache...i have a 175w mh pendant..its on for 10hrs a day bout
? please:notsure:


Active Member
Post the wattage of all equipment you use including your lights. Also post the amount of time you run each.


I have 2 power heads..i dont know the size of them....1 cpr bak pak skimmer....1 whisper filter...1 175 w mh pendant with a 10k bulb...ui think that is it


Active Member
If you were being charged 83 cents per kilowatt/hour and ran your 175W MH for 8 hours a day. That one bulb would cost 42.41 a year