are my starfish doign it?


New Member
please help-how in gods green earth do starfish copulate? i have two red starfish who never pay any attention to each other. last week they suddenly were wrapped around each other for two days. is it love or a slow moving starfish territory battle? what do i do if we is pregnant?and what do baybee starfish look like? are they minatures or some nasty larvae?

james brown

New Member
all I know is that if you cut a starfish in half, the two halves will become two full starfish. I have never heard of starfish doing it.


hey in my reef sometimes i see al least one itty bitty starfish, and thats all it could be, just a litttle serpent star and its body is like the size of baybe a dull pencil. dont see it very often, but every time i do, its a little bigger so hopefully?????