Are My Starfish Killing My Live Sand?


I posted a question about hermits earlier and JohnnySalt mentioned that the sand sifting starfish I had were killing my live sand. I just needed a little clarification. I thought that what made live sand live was the bacteria. I bought the sand pre-packaged so I wouldn't think there are any copepods in it. Are the starfishes eating the bacteria? So far they are doing a great job keeping the substrate clean but if they are doing more damage than benefit, I'll get rid of them :confused:

nm reef

Active Member
Ya'all...I just want to say I really appreciate Trey spending time here.......all the sharks are gr8...but Trey is full of technical info that I find to be very usefull..........THX Trey for takin time to help...........


sandsifting starfish will run out of a food source and slowly starve. They feed of the flora and fauna= the animal and plant life of the sand not just the bactera.You may keep one alive for awhile but they will run out of a foods source. You can search all the bboards on reefing many ppl experianced this. You can even ask Ron Shimek and many others who will agree they need to be kept in large tanks to surive. By keeping you will depelate your sandbed of the mirco life. i belive a thin sandbed will even have less life than a deep one. The most important thing for your animals is being able to provide a food source.
[ April 29, 2001: Message edited by: Ironreef ]


Is there anything I can do to supplement the starfishes diet? I would hate for them to slowly starve to death. :( If not I'll probably take them back to the LFS. Does anyone have any suggestions on anything else that will keep the sand stirred up? I have a scooter blennie but he just picks stuff off the top of the sand. My tank is a 50g FOWLS/LR. Thanks. ;)


There are several types of gobies that are prodigious sifters of sand. Mine is constantly churning up the top 1"-1.5". I suggest you speak to someone at your LFS to help recommend one that would fit well with the other members of your tank.


scootor blennies will be hard to keep (in a small tank)if they don't take to prepared foods. They are dragonetts and need live food. The best way to keep LS clean is to keep it live= full of worms ect they will keep it clean. cuke are okay also but some ppl don't like them. Sandsifting starfish you can't supplement there diet. Many ppl tried they think they can but they may not die right away ..may take a few mo even a few years in big tank but most ppl I know on the web or in person they don't last long. FWIW I kept on for almost 3 years before it stated to shrink and die But having sandsifters in a livesand bed defets the purpose of having a live sand bed ? having something feed on it. nassarius snail and certh snails will move sand cukes work.I would at least take 2 back and keep one if you really want one. = better chance of 1 living than 3


Your words, "They feed of the flora and fauna= the animal and plant life of the sand not just the bactera. You may keep one alive for awhile but they will run out of a food source."
Thank you Ironreef...that is what I was trying to convey to c2rn. You did a better job of clarifying.
Again I would choose a blue linkia which is reef safe if you want a starfish. Good luck c2rn! :)