Are porc puffers nocturnal


I have had my porcupine puffer for about a month now. The last week he will only come out at night. I was up late a couple of nights ago and he was swimming all over the tank. Then yesterday he hid all day until night time and then came out again. The lights are only on in hte tank for about 8 hours in the early afternoon till evening. Are they nocturnal, I've haven't been able to find anything on this?


Originally Posted by leftyblite
I have had my porcupine puffer for about a month now. The last week he will only come out at night. I was up late a couple of nights ago and he was swimming all over the tank. Then yesterday he hid all day until night time and then came out again. The lights are only on in hte tank for about 8 hours in the early afternoon till evening. Are they nocturnal, I've haven't been able to find anything on this?

Porc puffers are nocturnal hunters, but you should still see him during the day. When do you feed him? I feed my puffer in the morning and once in the evening (small amounts). He is out all day long expecting food.


the same thing happened to my porcupine puffer, im no expert but i believe you got the light timing all wrong? but once again im no expert.


Active Member
My porc puffer is all over the place, very active!
Not sure if it has anything to do with lighting but my lights are on during the day and off during he night, I try to keep it sun-up to sun-down to match the outdoors.
Figure nature knows best!


I tried feeding him early in the day and a little at night. Yesterday he seemed a little more active in the late afternoon, plus I had the lights go off when it got dark outside.