Are puffers safe w/ these?


I've been thinking about doing a makeover on my 75 gallon tank and adding a whole bunch of live rock and livesand. I was wondering if I could get a cleanup crew with a stars and stripes puffer in the tank? I know that shrimp are out of the question but could I get a ton of hermits and snails and starfish to keep the tank clean?


Try one of each and see how that goes. You never know you might have semi-docile puffer,unlikely but you never know. HTH


Boy, it seems like there's some differences in opinion.
I guess I'll just go w/out any cleanup crew in that tank. Back to scraping algae and syphoning aragonite.
Joy of Joys


I've got hermits in with my large porc, and all is fine. I introduced them to the tank at night when the lights were out, and it seems that they stick to the tight spots between live rocks during the day, but at night they're all over everything, even venturing out on the live sand up to the front of the tank. It's cool seeing their little tracks all over in the morning; it lets me know they've been busy. Hopefully they'll have the same luck when I introduce a harlequin tusk.