Are Pygmy Angelfish aggresive?

j. crow

So I've just ordered one which will go into a long(er) hexagon 45 gallon with 2 Clownfish, 1 Pajama Cardinal, 1 Yellowheaded Jawfish, and a few shrimp
..Should there be any problems?


Active Member
I really liked mine. He was great until he decided the whole tank was his and he chased everyone. Then I noticed that every fish has nipped out of their tales, then their fins. He was biting fish that were 6+ inches.
Hopefully yours will be okay.

j. crow

..This one by the way


Active Member
I have the Pacific version (yellowtailed pygmy), housed with a 8.5" Lunare, 7.5" Lei trigger, 5" Naso tang, and he holds his ground, no problem. In fact, he was pretty aggressive to the Naso upon introduction (Naso was last fish in).
It's not a gurantee he will be mean, but in due time, his true colors should come out...


Active Member
Got an African Flameback with a Helfrichi's, Tailspot blenny, Chalk Bass, and a Bali Tiger Jawfish. So far no aggression at all.


Active Member
CROW- The one you're showing is the one I had. Mine was really easy to take care of, and really really beautiful. Very fast too, but Yes, that is the type I had. Got him from
People here said he may or may not be aggressive and he may or may not eat corals. He never did eat corals but be claimed my WHOLE 200 gallon tank and that is when I noticed all of the bite marks. I let it go on for a while, but then got more and more severe. 1st it was 1 fish, then it was all of them in a matter of like 1 month and they all had more than 1 nibble mark. The LFS I traded him to still has him. LOL nasty little bugger he was.
It is like 50/50 whether he'll be aggressive though. Just watch everyone's fins.
Good luck!
Oh and fyi- it took about 2 or so months before he got aggressive. He was great when I first got him.