Are "Reef safe" ICH treatments just snake oil?


Active Member
I read too much that the only way to rid of ich is copper treatment or hyposalanity.
Or just plain old Quarantine for 80days. I really really want to avoid pulling everyone out of my tank and putting them in a hospital tank. for two months. I see these new treatments on the market, and read the "Customer" reviews claiming ti worked and rid the system of ICH.
Sounds like its too good to be true.... is it?


Active Member
IMO yes for the most part. While there is some anecdotal evidence of these products having worked for some, there is also no proof positive that the ich did not just get fended off by the fish on it's own. There is a significant risk to the system anytime you use products like this.
For me, the only two positively effective ways are copper and hypo.


I tried Kick-Ich a reef safe product. It kind of worked but then about 3 weeks later I was doing it all over again. I used it together with it's partner Rally which gets rid of bacteria infections. It saved my dragonet once but not the second time. Though this was the only fish lost in the ordeal.


I had a case of ick once and it didn't do didly but this time it seemed to help a little. But i caught the ick earlier this time. The first time i ended up loosing my fish. My lfs said it's not meant to really kill the ick it just makes it easier for your own fish to fight it off.