Are refractometers worth the $$?


think of the refractometer as a test kit. you wouldnt want a test kit to give you false readings so opt out and get one, money well spent IMO


Active Member
I would also suggest reading the latest issue (2006-12) of the online magazine - reefkeeping (dot) com. There is an article on refractometers and how to make sure they are accurate (they can be just as whacked out of the box as a hydrometer), how to get them accurate and keep them there.
Summary of the article:
Refractometers are a quick and often accurate way to measure the salinity of reef aquarium water. Once checked to be sure that they were made correctly, they may provide years of service, providing they are not dropped onto a hard surface or into an aquarium. As with many devices, however, you sometimes get what you pay for, and sometimes less. Very inexpensive refractometers can be prone to errors and may need to be checked in a solution matching seawater, not just pure freshwater.
Other methods of salinity determination are also quite suitable for reef aquarists. These include conductivity using electronic meters, and specific gravity using floating glass hydrometers. Plastic swing arm hydrometers can be accurate, but seem to be more prone to inaccuracies than electronic meters and glass hydrometers. In general, it is good to calibrate any device used with a seawater standard at least once to confirm its proper operation before relying on it to gauge the salinity in a reef aquarium.


Ok, everyone's convinced me about the joys of owning a refractometer. I just placed my order for one on this website. I feel like I'm on my way to becoming part of the cool crowd here!

Maybe I'll keep my hydrometer around for decorative purposes...


Active Member
Refractometers are so worth the money, I bought a Millwaukie Auto Temp Control at the local reef auction..... worth the money .... I also keep a floater in my tank just for quick walk by checks


Originally Posted by ROYAL GANG
hey i used to live in tucson, now i live in shabby ---- town Yuma :hilarious :hilarious
I feel for you. Lived there for 4 years. :help:

royal gang

Active Member
ugh, theres no good fish stores, theres a crappy selection of stores to go, even with the new mall LOL!, if it's not too hot then it gets freezing


what is a refractometer? im what you would call a noob i guess. from what it sounds like i should have one. just dont know what it is

gill again68

Active Member
Used to check salinity and yes you should have one if you have a saltwater tank IMO. Google it and read up on it. Come in many price ranges. I got one for around $69.00. In this hobby I call that cheap.

gill again68

Active Member
You will use it mostly when you mix your salt. If you have a top off system for your tank you will want to make sure you use RODI only and not a salt mix to top off the tank. Reason for this is evaporation does not take salt from the water. So if you add salt water to top off your system your salinity will creep up. I periodically check my salinity in my tank but its usually around water changes. Oh yeah, Mix your salt mix at 24 hrs min prior to putting in your tank.


Active Member
Not sure what company makes it but I am sure it is reliable. I got mine off the auction site years ago and it is still going strong. I test it every now and then with RO water to make sure it is still calibrated.

noah's nemo

The one from this site is fine.It got me through my hypo with N.P.
I used a glass floating hydro for a couple years before i got my refract.,it was only .002 off.Plastic swing arms = crap.If you can't afford a refract now at least get a good $20 glass hydro.


Originally Posted by Hurt
Unquestionably yes. A necessity to this hobby IMO. Before I bought mine, my hydrometer was showing 1.025. Then I tested with my refractometer-1.032 :scared: .
Yeah hydrometers are crap. My water tested at 1.026 one time and I freaked out. 1.032!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yikes.


Originally Posted by chaseter
Yeah hydrometers are crap. My water tested at 1.026 one time and I freaked out. 1.032!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yikes.
This never gets old. The same thing happened to me years ago when I bought my refractometer. The funny thing is that I was so very meticulous with my readings too. I checked several times per day to make sure that my hydrometer read 1.026. Then I bought my refractometer from here, yeowza!!! I was shocked! Most definitely buy a refractometer.


I try to keep my tank at 1.025 but 1.032!?
I did have a hydrometer when I had a biocube but since it has a hood, there is little to no evaporation so it stayed pretty constant. I made sure to get a refractometer when I got my rimless tank because that thing likes to guzzle RO water.