Are Sea Pen's Reef Safe


Just wanted to know if Sea Pen's are reef safe and if their are any special needs. I wanted to get one but would like to know more first.


Yup, sea pens are reef safe. They require a really DSB though, usually the length of its body from what I was told before, and they can get very large. Seen one about 1.5 feet long and about 3" in girth. Very neat creatures though.
Congrats on your purchase.


OK I am just waiting for my lights to come on then I am going to get some pictures of the Sea Pen. It is fully open right now.:jumping:


Hey how about another video
. I love to see blue tangs in a reef tank in action. I can sit and watch it for hours.



Originally posted by waterfaller1
That is cool..keep us posted on how it does in your tank.I read a list last night{at another sight}that said they should be left in the ocean..wonder why??:thinking:Thanks for the info:)

Sure thing I will give updates on it.
And once again if you have a dial-up connection I would not advise clicking on this link.
Here is another video. Click here for the video :D


If I have some time later tonight I will try to get some close up video of the tank, but for now it's off to do some work on my house bye for now.....:D :D :D


yah yah video :D Hey waterfaller1 do you have any pics of your tank im intrested what it looks like with your light combo. Just curious how come you went with 4 actinics instead of 2 thanks.


Well it has been a month now so I thought I would give a quick updated on the Seapen. So far so good. It has managed to find a home in the DSB of my tank and it appears and disappears each day and night. None of the inverts seem to bother it other than my geen emerald who will climb it from time to time.:D


Active Member
That, by far, has to be one of the best looking critters I have seen so far! It took me a few minutes to figure it out, I thought the worm was crawling in or around that "coral" you posted pics of, but wow---that is the worm!!! I didn't scroll down on that link from waterfaller at first, so I was searching hard for a worm in the pics---- So all has been ok with it? Do you have any additional info on it? Is it toxic if it would happen to die? Its nocturnal right? Thanks for bumping yourself, I missed it first time around. :D


Just a quick FYI on the SeaPen for anyone that is thinking of getting one. I have had it now for over 3 months and it is doing great. It hides under the sand at night and comes out durring the day. I have put several corals near it to see if their would be any reaction and nothing negitive happened (no stinging). This has turned out to be a nice addition to my reef tank.:)


very neat !! i want one and cant find for purchase anyone know where i could buy one ? how much did he cost btw?


Cool critter.
hopefully your feeding this thing. These guys do fairly well for a while, then they start whitering due to starvation. Hopefully you have alot of planktonic meaty foods in the water column (like copepod larvae, and mysid larvae). You can feed brine shrimp nauplii, and rotifers as well.