Are sixlines clumsy?????


My sixline has a nasty shiner. His left eye has a clear buble over it. Doesn't look like disease just looks like he got popped! What should I do? :help:


Active Member
How old is your tank?How long have you had the fish? You dont sound too sure of your parameters. What kind of testkits are you using?


Active Member
Is this a reef or fish only?My 6 line is quite a graceful swimmer, sounds like it could be caused by some stress.


Active Member
Originally Posted by soulagent9
pH - 8.0 and rising, ammonia - trace, nitrite - 0, nitrates - 0, sg - .023 ish.
Yeah, those parameters do not sound very convincing at all.


Those were the readings as of this morning, what's not convincing about it? SG is .023 ish because of the hydrometer which can be 2-3 points off correct? I have a refractometer on the way to get a better reading. My pH was 7.8 yesterday morning and this morning it was 8.0 I'm using Kent Pro Buffer to raise it a bit. i use Aquarium Pharm's Salt Water Test Kit.
My tank finished cycling on Dec. 5th. 40 gal tall, 30 lbs lr. Oh yeah, water temp is steady 78.3, and it will be reef and fish. I also read that the sixline has a tendancy to scratch themselves on rock due to rubbing up against it to release food.


Active Member
You can get a pretty true reading if you do the sal test 3 times and seee what you get they can be fairlly accurate. it just sounded the way you put it that you were kind of unsure. Sal is a little low IMO< I would aim for 1.025-1.026. You can raise it slowly .I have had mine a long time never saw him rubbing but that doesnt mean yours doesnt.It can also be a sign of Ich(rubbing) have you seen him do this . How long have you had him? what are you feeding him?I would feed some garlic, if it is a wound or infection that would help. i had a damsel that got popeye and it healed but he lost the eye. He is still going strong today even with one eye!Keep us posted :joy:


Active Member
While I like the use of garlic in a fish's feeding in general, PimaFix and MelaFix will work a lot better with popeye. He will probably not lose the eye or die if you treat the problem. Do you have a picture of this fish?