are snails just stupid or what??


Active Member
Originally Posted by renogaw
problem with just nassarius snails is that they rarely will clean algae from your rocks and your glass. (at least mine dont)
I believe nas snails are primarily scavengers. Mine come out the minute food hits the water, but stay in the sand the rest of the time.
My ceriths are constantly working on algae, and they hit the sand, the glass, and the rocks. They are great, but very very very very very slow.


Active Member
Originally Posted by WHO DEY
What do you use to check your SG with? I had a plastic hydrometer recently go bad... It showed 1.023 when in fact it was only 1.018. I got a refractometer and now I don't have that problem.
As hydrometers age they can absorb salt and become less accurate. The excess salt will cause them to float higher than they should and so your SG will show higher than it really is.


Active Member
I love the Ceriths, pretty indesctructible and always leaving egg strands. Turbos seem to disappear eventually. Right now I have 5 large Mexicans that are lawnmowers cleaning up a long neglected tank (because of a move and bunch of other stuff).


Originally Posted by WHO DEY
well i don't have the time or arm length to keep up with their stupidity? :joy:
I use a stick to right mine.

who dey

Active Member
Originally Posted by Sly
What do you use to check your SG with? I had a plastic hydrometer recently go bad... It showed 1.023 when in fact it was only 1.018. I got a refractometer and now I don't have that problem.
As hydrometers age they can absorb salt and become less accurate. The excess salt will cause them to float higher than they should and so your SG will show higher than it really is.
refracto. only way to go