Are store bought glazed shells toxic?


I'm needing to separate my BTA from one of my corals since the BTA has gotten so large. I found a large Lions Paw shell at a hobby store that I thought would be great, however, the shell is glazed. Is there a problem with me using this shell in my tank. Would it be toxic to my tank and kill my fish?
Didn't know if anyone had any experience in this area or not.
Can anyone help me out here please? I don't want to do anything that I'll wind up regretting later.:help:


Its most likey a Polyeurithane coating and I would not put it in any tank of mine.


I've decided not to use it. The basket of shells that I bought don't have the glaze . I think I may clean these thoroughly and glue them together to make a barrier. I bought Krazy Glue. Is that ok to use?
Thanks, Cindy


O.K. I'll run out and get some underwater epoxy. Can I get that pretty much anywhere? All my LFS had was this putty looking kind of stuff.

barry cuda

FWIW, Krazy Glue is fine. It's the same thing otherwise known as superglue, and is frequently used to glue frags to rocks and sometimes even applied underwater in the tank, IIRC.


yes krazy glue is fine for your tank. Completely harmless when cured and liked barrycuda said it can even be applied underwater with a little practice. Some people even use krazy glue as a bandage for small cuts!


Thanks everyone,
Since I already have the crazy glue I might as well use it. I was doing a water change a little while ago and sucked out a fuzzy mushroom accidentally so I guess this will be my first experience with fragging.
What do you mean by "curing it first". ? :notsure: Do you mean it has to set awhile before you stick the frag to it, or the shells together?
And you say I can apply it even under water? If so that's great!My tank is being over run with polps. I wanted to try my hand at removing them and getting them to take to another rock. I don't know anyone in town with a tank so I told my LFS I'd prune my tank and let them have what I take out. They gave me some rock to use.
How many polyps can I put on a rock? And do I just put a drop of glue on the rock and a drop on the stem of the poly or what do I do?
Thanks, Cindy


I have used the krazy glue when fragging. I fragged mushrooms and ricordea and had success. I have done it 2 ways. One is I lifted the peice of live rock out that I wanted the mushrooms on and dabbed the water off of the rock with a small corner of paper towel. Then I used a couple of drops of glue let it sit for a second or two, then stuck the small peice of mushroom on the rock, let it sit for a few more seconds, then replaced the rock after I had all them glued where I wanted them. I have also used a small peice of rock or shell to glue the peice of coral too, and then attached the smaller rock where I wanted them. You can use the glue underwater, but from what i have read it takes a little practice. When the drop of glue hits water, it makes a shell around the drop which seals glue inside, and when you get it where you want it, and press the coral to it, the shell on the glue breaks and will stick the coral to the rock. HTH :)


I am sure there are more ways to do it. you could try searching the board for fragging threads. Or maybe someone else will chime in on this thread with other ideas.


Thanks kaOz4allu!
I used a small piece of dried reef rock that the LFS gave me. I washed it off good with hot water and let it get semi dry then applied a couple of drops of glue to the rock and one to the stem of the mushroom, waited a few sec and then put the frag on the rock. It seemed to stick immediatedly. I may not have even needed to put it on the coral. I may have just wasted some glue. I went on and put it in the tank. It looks fine this morning. I bought an Exacto knife kit that I heard some others talking about at one of the craft stores. It's pretty cool with all of the blades it has and a neat little carrying box. :jumping: I love gadgets! I know what I'll be doing this weekend.
As far as fragging, I have read several different ways. In fact yesterday I went to a fabric store and bought some wedding veil. I saw a video where they use the veil around the frag and the rock and then rubber band the rock. I think it takes a week or two for it to attach. The LFS just said to use glue. I think that may be the easiest way. I don't know what one advantage is over the other.
I also brought home some dental instruments yesterday-I work in a dental office- and I think these will also be helpful in getting under a coral to get it out of the rock especially when it is down in a hole.
If you have any other thoughts or suggestions on fragging or what has worked well for you, let me know. How many frags should I put on a rock?
Thanks, Cindy