Are their any pink corals...


Active Member
Pink zoos, and pink hammer(in the second pic, the pink zoos are on the left, i'll have to post a better pic later)



Active Member
Originally Posted by seannmelly
Pink zoos, and pink hammer(in the second pic, the pink zoos are on the left, i'll have to post a better pic later)
Nice pics!


Active Member
if you want to try a long tentacle plate coral, some of thos are green with very pink tips. ive heard there kinda hard to keep, but if your up for a challenge...


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Originally Posted by MiaHeatLvr
I hope that cleaner wrasse you have is doing well and youve had it a long time, Is it eating? Regards!
he's only been in there a couple of weeks, but he is doing awesome, and eating anything we put in the tank


Active Member
Originally Posted by efishnsea
My tank has 3-250 10k MH's, This is my first chalice, I'm not sure how it would do, I have it up 6" from the top!!!!I'm pretty sure they like alot of light. I'm going to be doing some rearanging of the reef next weekend, and it would be a good time to frag!!!! Shoot me an email and we can chat.
efish :happyfish nsea



Active Member
Well you ladies got me wanting some more pink in my tank, so I went out and got some pink zoos and a pink acro, I will post pics of them tomorrow!


Active Member
Originally Posted by puffer32
Well you ladies got me wanting some more pink in my tank, so I went out and got some pink zoos and a pink acro, I will post pics of them tomorrow!



Active Member
Here is a pic of my new pink stuff, at the top is my new pink acro, and to the far right towards the bottom is my new pink zoos.
I will try getting some closer shots when I turn down some of the lights, close pics don't come out with strong lights on.