Not a bad coral to start, most need only medium lighting conditions and medium water movment and are fairly hardy. They are normaly kept near or on the bottom of the tank.
Are we talking open brain or closed brain?
Sorry Thomas....talking about the open what kind of lighting would you recommend with this....i need to get some new light.......and the other corals ill get are gonna be medium lighting to anybody
I would say that you could keep some of the more common types under VHO lighting, PC on up to MH or combos of MH and VHO. or say210 to 380 watts VHO, thats just a personal idea of what medium lighting is.
thats under 50/50 whites and the 03 blue actinics, next I want to put an aquasun in there to give some more pink, my water is great, IMO, 8.3 ph, no nitrate, nitrites, no phosphates, no ammonia, 510 calcium ,which some might think high but works for me , 5.5 meq Alk, 1023 salinity,what else?
I just started adding corals about 6 months ago and have had an open brain for about 4. He has almost doubled in size since then. I have a 55 gal. with 2 96 watt compacts and he is in about the middle of the tank-though I have wondered about moving him to the bottom because he is growing so big when he is wide open he really hangs off the side of the lr he is on.