Are thes ricordia?



wait till it expands.could be a ric or a bumpy green shroom


Active Member
Originally Posted by maxalmon
Really hard to say, but my first impression was that it was a hairy green mushroom
I've gotta agree with maxalmon here. I think that once they settle in, they're going to be green fuzzies...they're cool too!!
Lisa :happyfish


Would a yuma require better water quality than a discosoma or rhodactis. These came from a nano and where really shrunk up quite small. I waited until they took better shape to take the pic. I am really hoping they are yuma's. I will post another pic once they get larger.Traded some blue shrooms for them. Not a bad trade if they are yuma's


Active Member
I cant be sure from the photo..Looks like it could be a Yuma..heres a pic of one of my green yumas...for compareing. Not a great pic either, haha


Originally Posted by teen
looks like a yuma to me too. pretty sure its not a ricordea.
Yuma is a variety of ricordea.


Active Member
The easiest way to tell the difference between a ricordia yuma and a ricordia florida is the little bubble knobs on a yuma will grow up the sides of the mouth. They dont grow on the mouth of Floridas.