Are these corals going to be ok together?


Also, if you got Red Sea Xenia (which is usually the white looking Xenia) then you might be at a loss. Red Sea Xenia prefer higher specific gravity/salinity. I've had nothing but trouble with Red Sea's
that might be a problem then, my salinity is 1.206, and the choc chip star was just in there for his weekly cleaning session
(gfs uneducated

scott t

Active Member
Thats ok I am new to this hobby too have not even set my tank up yet and been wanting to for almost a year but been saving the money and doing lots of research in the process. I want to get things right. There are so many wonderful and amazing things that we can put into our tanks, but if you want them to live in harmony then you have to really do your research in the process and ask ask ask... I think that Salinity is a little high too isnt it supposed to be between 1.021 and 1.026?? I think that is what I have read on here and other places. You might want to ask how you can get that down. I am not sure but you might have to do a water change and add just plain RO/DI water to get it to come down.. Yes and like BTLDreef said you need to get rid of that star because I was just reading that they will in fact eat your corals they are Not REEF SAFE!!! Hope this helps you coming from a NOOB.. lol


Originally Posted by fitbmxdude989
that might be a problem then, my salinity is 1.206, and the choc chip star was just in there for his weekly cleaning session
(gfs uneducated
You're brave. I'd be standing over my tank nervous as all hell while that thing was in my tank! But as long as you know that it can't be there with corals. Just needed to rule out that it wasn't the issue.