Are these corals suffering?


Active Member
ive read info on this before, specifically the information on the sps FAQ over on --. i have never personally witnessed this, so ive been trying to find information pertaining to events like these. i was just curious because ive been searching for additional confirmation that sps can indeed battle via chemical warfare.
ive seen sps encrust and branch into one another, and one wins the other losses. i always thought this was just them stinging eachother, but im not sure thats always the case.


Active Member
My findings came from Fenners site... I cannot be any more specific than that. But its talked about often I think his research and writings are extremly credible, as I look toward them first before other peoples experiences.


Active Member
you'll rarely find an sps coral killing off a soft or lps coral. its normally the soft or lps coral doing the killing.