Are these fish reef safe


Hey everyone I'm planning on getting a dwarf either fuzzy or zebra lion & also a dwarf angel. On another site it says they are reef compatible with caution. What does that mean??? In the future I was thinking of getting a few corals and maybe an anenome or two. World they mess with them? Thanks for the help.


Active Member
Many of the dwarf angels are in fact NOT reef safe, but some are. And for certain species it just depends on the particular specamin. Which angels are you considering?


The lions are fine with corals. The only thing to take caution with is small fish and shrimp that can fit in its mouth, it will eat those as soon as it gets a chance.
The dwarf angels are reef safe, although I have heard of some people having problems with them nipping at corals.



Originally Posted by actionjack
The lions are fine with corals. The only thing to take caution with is small fish and shrimp that can fit in its mouth, it will eat those as soon as it gets a chance.
The dwarf angels are reef safe, although I have heard of some people having problems with them nipping at corals
Thats why I added that last sentence :joy:


Well I am nopt set on an exact species of dwarf angel yet. Ones that I like a bunch are the flame, lemon peel, bi color, coral beauty, pygmy, golden, & yellow.


How big is your tank. I found an Angel species that is reef safe. But they get to 7 to 8 inches. Most sites reccommend a 55 gallon or bigger. The male is the stripped one.
Genicanthus melanospilos (Bleeker 1857), the Black-Spot Angelfish (2). Similar to G. caudovittatus to the west, this species is found throughout the tropical western Pacific. Also to about six inches long. Male and Female shown in captivity.



Originally Posted by Gen1Dustin
So does anyone know of the angels listed above which would be the most likely to be safe with reef?
My friend keeps a coral beauty with no problems in his reef. It may nip a coral once in a while, but only because it is grazing on the algea that grows near them on the rocks.


My tank is a 55g. So that should be enough for that one I guess. I'll look into that species some more thanks for finding that.