are these nitrates reason for concern?


Active Member
I tested my water today after doing a water change. My levels have consistently been:
ammonia 0
nitrites 0
ph 8.2
nitrates 10
but now, my nitrates are between 20-40, after a 10 % water change. I haven't added anything new. I did notice when I was doing the water change that one of my clowns was sitting in the corner of the tank breathing heavy but he is acting fine now. What should I do? Do I need to panic over this nitrate level? Should I just do a water change every other day until they come down? :help:
oh yeah it is a 55 gallon tank


nitrates at 40 generally will not make your fish act funny. A low oxegen level will and also make your nitrates and salinaty levels flux. If you have a sump try to aerate the water there so the bubbles don't go all over in your tank.
Check the water you add to your tank for nitrates before you add salt to it and to top off water. make sure your using good quality water and not tap water you would normaly drink. Reading on that should be zero, but I have seen readings before and that was the problem also.
Of course feedings and dead things and pockets of detrius can also cause problems.


Active Member
What type of water are you using to do your water changes???
Nitrates are bad because "bad" algae feeds on also reduces the amount of oxygen in the water...


Active Member
Originally Posted by ruaround
What type of water are you using to do your water changes???
Nitrates are bad because "bad" algae feeds on also reduces the amount of oxygen in the water...

tap..but I've always used tap water and never had this problem before.
What about doing more water changes? Should I do that or not be too concerned?


Active Member
there are several problems with tap...water plants have to add chemicals such as chlorine and cholamides to get rid of bacteria, which will over time kill the bacteria in your tank... tap water is typically full <--- I use this term loosely...of heavy metals, phosphates and nitrates... IMO at first your tank will seem fine and then take a dive(I learned first hand) ... have you checked the tap water for phosphates, pH, nitrates, silicates???


Active Member
Originally Posted by ruaround
there are several problems with tap...water plants have to add chemicals such as chlorine and cholamides to get rid of bacteria, which will over time kill the bacteria in your tank... tap water is typically full <--- I use this term loosely...of heavy metals, phosphates and nitrates... IMO at first your tank will seem fine and then take a dive(I learned first hand) ... have you checked the tap water for phosphates, pH, nitrates, silicates???

no, I haven't checked my tap water..but I will now! I never thought about the tank seeming to be fine at first, then taking a dive. Thanks for your help. Also, should I cut back on feedings? I know overfeeding can affect your ammonia but I'm not sure if it will affect your nitrates.


Active Member
Nitrogen cycle... = Amonia ---> NitrIte ---> NitrAte...
yes over feedings will impact your system, as well as messy eaters... what fish do you have in your tank... an overload on your bio-system will impact as well...


Active Member
I have two clowns, a six line wrasse, pygmy angel, purple pseudochromis, and two green chromis, plus an urchin and two peppermint shrimp,two cleaner shrimp and a fire shrimp.
So should I do another water change tomorrow or wait a week as usual?


Active Member
Originally Posted by corally
I have two clowns, a six line wrasse, pygmy angel, purple pseudochromis, and two green chromis, plus an urchin and two peppermint shrimp,two cleaner shrimp and a fire shrimp.
So should I do another water change tomorrow or wait a week as usual?
do you have any LR?
what are you using for a substrate? what is turnover?
what type of mechanical filtration?
what type of test kit are you using?
how often, what and how much are you feeding your fish?
you might be over stocked by a fish or two depnding on the answers to the questions above...
do a small water change, like 10%... then another in like 3 or 4 days...


Active Member
I have 60 lbs of LR, 20 lbs of LS
my turnover is 20x
I have a HOB filter for a 55 gallon, a skimmer for a 75 gallon, a HOB 3 gallon fuge
I use the aquarium pharmaceuticals test kit
I feed my fish once a day either emerald entree or formula one flakes
Do you think I am overstocked?


Active Member
Originally Posted by corally
I have 60 lbs of LR, 20 lbs of LS
my turnover is 20x
I have a HOB filter for a 55 gallon, a skimmer for a 75 gallon, a HOB 3 gallon fuge
I use the aquarium pharmaceuticals test kit
I feed my fish once a day either emerald entree or formula one flakes
Do you think I am overstocked?
I dont think you are... I would try small frequent changes, 5% to 10% once or twice a week... perhaps a little more of a clean up crew...