Are these stars bad

chris s

I have a million of these 1/4 inch or smaller tan stars all over my tank. They are on the glass, LR and everything else in the tank. Are they any thret to my corals and does any fish eat them? If they are good I would be willing to give them to people if they pay the shipping. Thanks for you time.
ps. I love this guy :hilarious

chris s

Well I researched it and they said that they are good and bad. They will eat algae but when the algae is gone or in short supply they will eat corals. But you can but a Harle(something) shrimp and it will eat the stars. It only eats Stars. I think I might get one. I got enough snails to eat the algae. Let me know if anyone knows about these guys and if they are ok in a reef tank. thanks


Active Member
is the stars kinda funny looking with only three arms on the top and four like stubs on the bottem?If they are they are not a good thing they multi like rabbits and take over the tank...i know a sight with a pic of them...

chris s

yes some of them look like that. I thought that they budded apart to multiply. And some of them looked like that b/c they were in the middle of seperating. Well I think I am going to get a shrimp then. thanks.

chris s

yeah i know i really dont like starfish. So i guess the big britle star that slipped in there will be gone too.


Active Member
So what are you going to do with the shrimp when the stars are gone?
Asterina stars are in nearly all cases HARMLESS. You can not determine, nor can seastar experts, a harmful species by counting arms or looking at size or color just in the tank. Maybe microscopically, or, more likely, with DNA.
Nearly everyone has the stars, and relatively few have trouble. If you had the "bad" sps eating one's they would not be on your glass and rocks....they eat corals, and would be eating them now. Believe me on that.
Most are harmless, even desirable bacterial grazers. You can probably sell them. Actually, I am pretty darn sure you could.
I repeat. You can not determine easily what is bad and what are OK based on the number of arms or color. Don't be drawn into a delicate animal like a harlequin based on this "story" that these stars are all bad. Behavior is critical. Many get a bad rap because they are drawn to a dying coral long before we know it and they clean it up. But predatory stars would be on your SPS corals...and NOW. Not wandering the glass and rocks.
But you really must make long term plans for what you would feed a harlequin shrimp once the stars are gone. That requires research. PLEASE DO NOT buy Linckia stars to feed to these shrimp. If anything, buy chocolate chip stars, keep them in your sump, and cut off arms as needed while allowing the whole animal to regenerate. Sounds wacky but it works and is kinda cool in a wierd way. If you wish to use Linckia stars, please freeze them and cut off only one arm at a time...they have enough pressures on them in the wild. We should try and make the most use of one that we can.

chris s

That would be good. Thanks for the Site. I dont know if it is wrong to post the site on here so I put my email at the bottom. Oh and ophiura thanks for the advice. I think I like the chocolate stars the least so I probably will go that rount if any. Thanks again everyone.