are these zooanthids dead

If your parameters are in check then get a couple peppermint shrimp. They will take care of the problem! Unless you have a sixline wrass that loves to pick on shrimp and kill them. So i have had to resort to using a chemical to kill my aiptasia. I use Blue Vet Aiptasia Control. It works very well!!! Even if you get some peppermint shrimp get something to take care of the aiptasia that are bothering the zoas. That way they will be happier faster!!


it'll get any critters off that might be bothering them. when you put them back, give them a bit more flow and leave them alone for awhile. they aren't dead yet, i think they will come back. my button polyps did that and they came back. also, every now and then, use a very soft tooth brush on them to remove any algae that might be growing on them.


Active Member
how exactly do i do this, just dip them in room temp fresh water and put them back?? plaese respond soon


New Member
Originally Posted by Hunt
how exactly do i do this, just dip them in room temp fresh water and put them back?? plaese respond soon
I did this with a mini colony I got from a friend: took a small container fill it with RO/DI water with the same temperature as the one in the tank and just dip the whole rock in the container and left it there for about 5 minutes. Took it out of the container, rinsed it a little bit with saltwater from the tank and then just placed it on a spot with high flow. A couple of days better they started opening up.
I do this for small colonies of zoas just to kill anything that may come with the frag just to make sure nothing goes in my tank.