My LFS has had a pair of gold striped maroons (not wild) in QT for the last 4 wks. They look awesome, eating well, a very pretty dark color. You can see the gold in the first stripe.
They've been together for 4 weeks .... but they look to be the same size. No fighting for dominance seen. Would they do well together in my tank? (Tank is 150g - tank mates to include longnose hawk, valentini puffer, midas blenny, pgymy angel - not all in now)
Are they "mated" now or still juveniles & might eventually fight?
They've been together for 4 weeks .... but they look to be the same size. No fighting for dominance seen. Would they do well together in my tank? (Tank is 150g - tank mates to include longnose hawk, valentini puffer, midas blenny, pgymy angel - not all in now)
Are they "mated" now or still juveniles & might eventually fight?