Are we nerds?


Never thought of myself as one...but I wonder if others perceive us as nerds....And even if they we care?
:D Just wondering


Active Member
I was shocked when I saw how many young people are in this hobby, I dont think that anything that makes you think,Makes you a nerd, people are always amazed when they see a nice tank, and never say its uncool:cool: if they do they are jealous:)

pa reef pig

I'm going to take the opposite side as plum70rt and say that most people perceive "nerds" to be anyone that takes enjoyment in learning new things and becoming more educated. At least that is the way it was when I went to school. If you were interested in studying and into things like science and computers, you were a nerd! Well, I'm well out of school now so I guess its ok to start learning and becoming interested in things like science and computers.:D I'm a big fat nerd:rolleyes:

pa reef pig

after thought:
If you are a member of a message board for fish tanks, YOU ARE A NERD!


Active Member
you have to admit that all the girls are lookers though;)
go see how many chicks hang out on the so called cool boards:D


Active Member
Well I've never been called a nerd in my life! I have a new job as student coordinator of petroleum engineering at the Unviersity of Oklahoma. Now a real nerd was taking me through the labs and discussing drilling "mud" , rock properties, anerobic zones, hydrocarbons, sand as fracturing material etc and when I got that glaze over my eyes he asked me if he was speaking "over my head" and I told him no I was just converting everything he was saying to the application it had in my saltwater fish tank! I think I'm about ready to start drilling....a little mini offshore into the dsb:D


Active Member
not a nerd for doing it...
but my girlfriend is always like... "EWWW your tank" when i tell her what im doing today. hahahaha


Active Member
im not a a clown ...ha ha
my momma says im special tho......
but seriously, yeah im a huge nerd about his hobby its terrible
good luck


All NERD and proud of it!!! :D
I'd rather be a Nerd then a Terd anyday!! I know, that's absurd!! LOL


Active Member
Nerd- sure- normal that too- but then again i dont really care what those nerd accusers say- b/c usually the only people who make fun of other people are the unintellegent ones- theres a thought-:)


Active Member
Just an addicted wanna be reefer here. ;) The word nerd took me back to the thought of "so and so" in highschool

naw thats not me, it cant be! Tell me its not true! LOL :D