Are we the wierdest Reef Keepers in the world, or what?


you might want to consider symbiotic gobies... that way you can pair them with pistol shrimp and have fish AND inverts living together in harmony! It doesn't get much better, IMO.


my yellow watchman goby LOVES his tiger pistol shrimp roommate- here they are standing guard at their burrow entrance...


Active Member
ComputrGk decorater crab is cool so are the anemone crabs although mine tried to attack me when i was giving his anenome a piece of silversides


Wow...that decorator crab is BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!! I'll have to show hubby the IS his tank, afterall :) Even though I do all maintenance & feeding, but that's another story...
We had some Sally Lightfoot crabs, but one ate a peppermint shrimp (I think it was dead already, but I had another thread going asking about that & others have said their Sallys caught things live in their tanks)...
Just got some camelback shrimp. Are they WAY smaller than peppermint shrimp & cleaner shirmp? Our 3 camel back shrimp came from an internet place, & they're MAYBE a 1/2 inch long. So tiny...I can only find one in the tank!


Active Member
There's nothing too crazy about an invert only tank. A guy in my club has a 100-something SPS reef without any fish at all in the tank. Without having to feed any fish, he's able to keep nutrient levels low.


Originally Posted by RobChuck
There's nothing too crazy about an invert only tank. A guy in my club has a 100-something SPS reef without any fish at all in the tank. Without having to feed any fish, he's able to keep nutrient levels low.
I'm glad to know there are others out there who don't keep a reef tank for fish! I find it hard not to go buy more, more, more inverts & many things I want to try! :) My hubby is the voice of reason & says let them grown & spread & be happy :)