Are you a loser if.....


Active Member
Originally Posted by caomt
next thing you know youll be getting married through an internet chat! LOL! LOSER!
Welcome to the aquarium!!
I'm also from the KC area.....originally anyway. Still have family there.


New Member
Originally Posted by Speg
..... Seriously though.. if any FL chicks wanna hang out.................... :)

Depends... where in Florida do you live?


Ok If I may add my two cents worth here. being a little older than most of you here, and being a woman, I can see a couple of areas that you guys need a little help-so to speak. Fist off, no ones a loser, back when I was young we didn't have this magical internet where you can meet millions of people of diff. backgrounds-ya got stuck with the people in your town or the neighboring towns, and I grew up in a small town-not much to pick from! So thats a plus right there, lots of relationships have developed on the internet-just be smart. Secondly..Most women-love a man with a good sence of humor, they don't have to be witty, just good old fashioned funny. You can go up to a girl and start talking to her-just be yourself, and those old corny pickup lines do work-they are funny-good way to break the ice. Sneakin around checking girls out is not cool-it's like stalking. It just makes you look like your up to something- go straight up to her and ask her out. What is the worst that could happen-she says no-big deal, go find someone else, atleast you tried and a girl can't fault you on that-it takes big ones to do that. Besides that she knows your checking her out, I will bet my last dollar on it. I can't stress enough to just be yourself..even if YOU think you are a dork, too shy, or whatever, I can almost guarantee there is someone out there who thinks you are it/cats pajamas/cool..and you don't even know it. That's my two cents you can't have change back!


Originally Posted by kellyryan
She said yes.
check blog. 2nd entry of today. i am not done yet but i don't think i can finish it today.


Active Member
you better do something.....I can't sign on. Its jacked up. I emailed the blog admin.
Oh no you don't let me hang .............


Active Member
Originally Posted by kellyryan
She said yes.
:cheer: :cheer: OMG, a big congrats!!!! :cheer: :cheer: Details, details, your killing me here. And what blog are you talking about? I must be out of the loop.


Originally Posted by petieaztec
ok, well my fishes need names

i named my fish as follows:
Yellow watchman goby - Tex
B&W heniochus - Yuffie
Lawnmower blenny - Grandpa
Lawnmower blenny - Scooter
Engineer goby - Doozer
Lubbocks fairy wrasse - Heffer
Clownfish - Nemo - duh!
Giant Hermit Crab - Eugene (like Mr. crabs from spongebob)