Are you athiest? Christian?


New Member
Originally Posted by Tigerlover
Personally, I am a Christian, from all evidence I have, I have concluded that Jesus Christ really was the son of God and died for my sins. I used to be an athiest, then I practiced magic, and then I read this book called the Case for Christ (I urge you to read it) and I found the truth. I used to question God because all these Christians were so people-centric, and I thought, "If their God is all loving, then why do they only love people, and not his other creations?" But then I found verses that proved that God wanted us to love them all, so I looked for more, and I found everything I looked for and more, and I felt it, so now I truly know in my heart that God is real. What about you? What do you believe?

The funny thing is, and yes I have read the book, there has never been one shred of actual evidence god exists. I have a real hard time understanding why anyone can truly believe in such a crazy notion.


Everyone is entitled to their opinion. This is simply mine. If you are a Christian and you wish to believe in god and go to church, and you feel it makes you life better, then good for you. Enjoy your life, and if you enjoy your religion then more power to you. What I don't like is people who try to "convert" and "save" those who do not wish to be " saved "... Also i would like to point out the fact that this is a... lets see.... Fish website... i believe it is just wondering why we are talking about religion...
Research shows many flaws in the Bible, and many hidden meanings. You should watch the history channel some time its very informative. There has been alot of research done to show the true arias of the Christian faith. Alot of it was stolen from other religions, and mis interpreted by power hungry leaders.
Such as our beloved Holiday Christmas.. This is actually a Pagan Holiday of Yule. NOT the birthday of Christ. On Halloween, all Hallowes eve, the Pagan God goes in to the under world, and on Yule ( Christmas ) he comes back or is "reborn" So in the Christians attempt to convert they decided to make the birth of their god, the same as the pagan God. And the Christmas tree? that's from the Vikings!
There is alot of interesting research that has been done on the faith and its origins.
The Concept of Gods, or " God" is simply a way to explain the unexplainable. It comes from ancient times. They couldn't explain why the sky was blue.. well god made it that way. Why is their lightning, because God made it that way. Its a way to make things acceptable.
Anyways this is Simply my opinion based on my own Research. As I said in the beginning everyone is entitled to their own opinion and their own way of life. I just don't believe in trying to push your beliefs on to others..
This is my opinion, and I'm not going to budge, so please do not try and change my mind and get me to believe in God. IF you believe in the all Powerful then good for you, i wont try and change your mind, so pleas show me the same courtesy and have respect for other peoples beliefs.


Active Member
I'm a Christian myself. I believe posts like this have 2 things that can happen, it can either help someone to find and love christ though talking and discussing, but it can also put up major walls between people/Christ. So its up the the Christians in this thread to keep there head on straight and use the Bible, and verses if there going to discuss anything. if Christians on here want to preach, please do it in meekness other then harshness. Please use good judgement.
God Bless,


Active Member
Originally Posted by Scotts
Anybody want some pie?

coconut cream if I remember correctly................ :joy:


Originally Posted by lovethesea

coconut cream if I remember correctly................ :joy:
I always thought Cherry was the universal pie. I'm monopiestic :yes:


Come on Jer this is a fish forum no christian should preech here at all. It's not fair to those people who arent christian that they should be subjected to your belifs, if you want to preech you should find the appropriate place to do so. This is not that place, there shouldn't be any religious speak here and i'm surprised this Topic hasnt been locked yet. This thread isn't going to be getting any better i will tell you that right now. Once my finacee (who posted that post of mine a few back) gets back on she likes to pick a part the bible and religion for the fraud that she sees them to be. I dont know there are just to many holes in religion especially christianity that just dont add up which is why as an educated person i find it to just not make sense,.
Come on with the pies...honestly......who needs these posts...Double chocolate is the best pie....hands down...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Tigerlover
I used to be an athiest, then I practiced magic, and then I read this book called the Case for Christ (I urge you to read it) and I found the truth.
Personally, you would be more entertaining pulling rabbits out of your hat, sawing the beautiful and almost ---- woman in half....or why don't you just disappear.


Active Member
If no Christian should preech then no athiest should preech... I welcome all opinions but let's be "FAIR" here and listen to both sides.