Are you FREAKING kidding me?!?!? My beautiful reef tank...ahhhhh


Ya im kinda paranoid now cause sometimes I hear a loud snap. I freak at first cause it sounds like my glass is cracking or something. Nothing has gone missing yet but i would be so angry if it did happen. How common is this? Also, how young do they make the snapping noise?


Originally Posted by BexleyFish
Ya im kinda paranoid now cause sometimes I hear a loud snap. I freak at first cause it sounds like my glass is cracking or something. Nothing has gone missing yet but i would be so angry if it did happen. How common is this? Also, how young do they make the snapping noise?

Ill second that


Active Member
Wow, that's a bummer. I agree with others that you might want to save it and try to trade it in on some new fish at your LFS. Hope you catch it!


I say go big or go home........12g slug should do it. At least it will make you feel better.


love the shotgun idea. lol. but for me if i caught it i would hook it on a hook without killing it. go with my neighbor 3 miles out from the shore. and go catch some yellowtail with it or something. muahahahahaha.

ric maniac

Active Member
the wise words of beavis and butt head "this sucks....this sucks more than anything that has ever sucked before" comes to mind. a mantis would be my worst nightmare lol. good luck in catching it. if it wont ever get big enough to crack glass i would take it off your hands if it is free lol.

reef diver

Active Member
*sniff* bye bye mr mantis*sniff* Go to Reef Central, mantis Forums, very easy to find a buyer, you might make 50 or so bucks depending on its species