Arkey, Can I get your opinion


It's been said in a couple other threads in the reef forum that, Coraline turns white when it is dead/dieing. This can happen when your magnisium is low . If you are using Instant Ocean salt mix, they took the magnesium out of the mix, thus you wouldn't have the magnisium you would if you used a different salt mix. Might want to add a Trace Elements Additive.
As far as the diatoms, make sure you use Distilled or RO water. If your tank is fairly new it 's normal to have them and will eventually go away on thier own.


Do you mean will adding trace elements or vita chem or another additive hurt them, it would all depend on what the manufacturer says about the product.
I just looked on my bottle of Kent's Essential Elements bottle and it says for Fish Only and Reef Systems, so that would'nt be safe to add to a tank that has inverts.


will using the distilled water get rid of the white buildup on my rock? It use to be a very nice looking encruster green.


Using distilled water will keep the brown diatoms away. Distilled water doesn't have silcates in it like tap water does. Diatoms feed off of silicates.
If you have an airhhose connected to the powerhead that could be the reason that it's spitting out fine bubbles. If so just disconnect the hose. If you don't have an air hose attatched then it could be sucking microbubbles from the water and after a build up it spits them out.



Originally posted by paulcoates
I dont have a hose on my PH. Just a filter.

I have the same PHs and Filter Attatchment and mine does the same thing. They are sucking microbubbles from the water and after a build up it spits them out


I dont know what to do about the white stuff on the rock? If I can't add chemicals b/c of the anemone, what are my alternatives?
I can do a Distilled water change, but I dont think that is going to fix it?


Active Member
That is wrong on the not safe thing. If it is safe for reef tank "the most sensitve thing in the tank" then you can use it. Anemones are part of a reef there for are in a reef tank. As long as its safe for reef tank then you can use it.


Maybe safe for anemones but not for inverts, which paulcoates asked about also.
As far as the white build up, I miss understood I thought the LR/Coriline was just turning white. With it being a build up, can't you use a toothbrush to brush it off? I'm not sure what it would be.