

New Member
For the second time in 6 months I have experienced a mysterious fish kill in my 150 gal tall reef tank. Tank is 1.5 years old with a 25 gal fuge and sump. Mixture of corals, inverts and fish. 20 per cent water change 3 weeks ago. I consistently use Red Sea salt. Last week the Fairy Wrasse disappeared overnight. Never found the body. Performed tank maintenance this past weekend. Filters and skimmer cleaned, charcoal, etc. etc. Chemistry SUN afternoon was SG= 1.024 pH=8.1, temp 79.6F, NO2=0.0, NO3=0,0, NH4=.25 (which it has consistently been forever), CA=460. This morning the Powder Blue Tang and basslet are dead and removed from tank. Sailfin blenny is MIA and probably gone. Remaining Yellow Tang and Clown are swimming normally. Two Coral Banded Shrimp, Derasa Clam and all corals are fine. Clean up crew is obviously well fed and happy. Main pump and two powerheads working fine. Output appears normal. 450W MH, 2 Actinic, and moonlight are on same timing cycle. I feed brine shrimp and seaweed daily. Sun evening fed mixture of DT's and Cyclopeeze. DT's smelled a little strong but not out of date. I am particularly upset about the Powder Blue. It was a mature and very serene fish and appeared very healthy. Never any Ich. No signs of stress with any of the fish. What are some plausible causes here? Thanks.


buy any live rock lately??? I have a case where out of the blue, I have a spider crab in my tank.. I had this 50G for almost 8months, and all of a sudden, I got a glimpse of this creature.... maybe there is something lurking in your rocks that comes out only at night..


New Member
I only found 2 of the 4 dead fish. Both were complete bodies. Looked almost as though they were axphiated or poisoned. I personally tend to believe some sort of bacterial infection. Pumps and powerheads are working fine so plenty of O2. Live rock in tank is original. Never found the other two missing fish. Clean up crew obviously got them.