Arrow crab question


Today I just added an arrow crab when I noticed some bristle worms. I have many assorted soft corals and inverts. I bought this crab because of the advice of the local fish store but from reading more and more about it it seems that it may be very destructive to my tank. Does anyone keep these crabs in a reef tank? Is it a good idea? pleace help asap so I know if i have to take out the little guy.
thanks a lot


Active Member
I have one in my reef tank, and i love him, he doesn't distroy anything hes very peice full he gets along with my coral banded shrimp and even with my fish...he doesn't mess with my corals much..sometimes he likes to play in the ployps...but really...who wouldn't? :)...he doesn't do any damnage in my tank.
so i'd say keep him.


I have 1 in my 60 Hex..
I never saw him damage anything while I had coral in there..
He just scavenged the rock for leftovers..
I vote.. Keep him until you witness undesirable activity.
They are Cool looking too.
Like something out of a movie..


I had one and what a character! They are very amusing creatures.
Mine didn't get along with a cleaner shrimp but that was about it - he managed to cut (shorten) about 3 of the shrimps antennae. One thing though, before feeding my anemone, I fed him first because he would climb on the anemone to try and take the food from the anemone.
I say keep him.


I just removed mine 10 minutes ago. I put in a star last night and he kept picking at it. I also noticed about 2 weeks ago when a snail died, the other nass snails went to clean it up and he joined in on the fun, he got ahold of some of the live ones and after that taste he kept trying to flip over the live snails and eat them. He doesn't mess with the corals much but he seemed to "walk" on them alot and they would get stressed and close up. I will miss him since I considered him a good cleanup critter with alot of personality. Hope this helps!