arrow crab ??


Today I just added an arrow crab when I noticed some bristle worms. I have many assorted soft corals and inverts. I bought this crab because of the advice of the local fish store but from reading more and more about it it seems that it may be very destructive to my tank. Does anyone keep these crabs in a reef tank? Is it a good idea? pleace help asap so I know if i have to take out the little guy.
thanks a lot


Active Member
you should never listen to a lfs. they tell you the wrong info to get you to buy their stuff IMO. i have never had an arrow crab before. you might want to check on inverts in this site. maybe someone who has experience with arrow crabs could help you.


Active Member
Well i have experience with an arrow crab and it wasn't good either. Caught him red handed eating one of my fish! The fish wasn't dead first either, it was swimming around healthy 30 mins earlier. The crab now resides at the lfs.


I have one. I found him once with a hermit crab body in his claws, munching way. Then another time he had one of my peppermint shrimp for dinner. This happened shortly after he was added to my tank. I haven't caught him eating anything else lately. I've had him since May. When he goes, I won't be getting another one. FYI, I spot feed my inverts every few days. You may want to do ths same :yes:


thanks for all the help!!! I have posted the same question on a few different message boards and for the most part the consensus has been negative. I have to much time and money into this tank to even risk him hurting my reef so lol i just moved him to my fowler tank. thanks for all the help everyone


Active Member
I don't find them helpful for bringing down the brittle population. They don't even eat much of the hair algae and they craw over corals where it can stress them at times.

sinner's girl

Grrr! I just ordered one. I even asked before ordering if they were save with my other inverts and fish.